The newest book by best-selling author, Michael Erath.

Discover the secrets to becoming an Elite Organization in the upcoming book, Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations. This essential guide delves into the disciplines, commitments, and passions that drive excellence. Learn how to cultivate an organization filled with Great People, aligned around an Inspiring Purpose, and consistently training on Optimized Playbooks. Understand the importance of fostering a Culture of Performance and proactively Growing Profits and Cash Flow. Sign up for pre-release updates below so you can get your copy and begin building an Elite Organization as soon as it is available.


Discover the secrets to becoming an Elite Organization in the upcoming book, Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations. This essential guide delves into the disciplines, commitments, and passions that drive excellence. Learn how to cultivate an organization filled with Great People, aligned around an Inspiring Purpose, and consistently training on Optimized Playbooks. Understand the importance of fostering a Culture of Performance and proactively Growing Profits and Cash Flow. Sign up for pre-release updates below so you can get your copy and begin building an Elite Organization as soon as it is available.